Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
  Amount (HK$)/ 3 years sponsorship 1,000,000 500,000 100,000 50,000
1. Complimentary ACESS corporate membership 3 years 2 year 1 year
2. Recognized with logo hyperlinked on ACESS website and social media platforms, etc.
3. Complimentary ACESS individual membership 5 3 2
4. Opportunity to collaborate on sports related research and studies
5. Complimentary access to ACESS workshop 5 3 2 1
6. Complimentary exercise and sports science workshop for the sponsor/company 5 3 2 1
7. Promotion of sponsor’s events, career opportunities etc. to ACESS members
  ACESS academic publications
1. To be recognized in ACESS articles, consensus statements, editorial franchise etc.

Exclusive opportunity to contribute articles to columns in academic publications

(Content subject to approval of ACESS)

  Social media
1. Facebook post
2. Instagram post and story

ACESS would be delighted to discuss opportunities and present impactful solutions to meet your specific marketing and brand objectives.

For further enquiries/ details, kindly fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you.